Background Story
I returned to LinkedIn in June 2024 after a four year absence.
During that time I'd been learning to hear again following receiving a Cochlear Implant at the start of 2020.
For around 18 months, as my brain adapted to electronic signals, I took on the role of part-time caretaker for an old flour mill with incredible history dating back to the Domesday Book and before. It was a role that initially put the emphasis on physical skills and abilities rather than the need for extensive communication.
As my new hearing abilities improved I took on the role of researching, designing and creating the mill's Heritage Centre - a project that brought me a tremendous amount of joy.
Alongside this I continued to expand my knowledge of Drupal, particularly in the field of Progressive Web Applications.
One thing was very clear on returning to LinkedIn. We are in the middle of an AI boom.
By Gartner's reckoning we are at the peak of inflated expectations so this seemed like a good time to understand more fully how AI can be used beyond the disillusionment and up to the Plateau of Productivity.
Over the last six months I have been experimenting more and more with the commonly available AI tools and have gained some understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
I am anticipating that this six months intensive course will open my eyes to the very practical application of AI in different workplace scenarios.